Busy Busy......

But not with home projects, hence, no update. We have had a very busy month of February, with traveling, events for the kiddos, family stuff, etc. There are a couple of things on the horizon though, which are fun and exciting. My husband and I both work from home periodically, and we desperately need to spruce up the ol' home office. Currently the set up is two desks from Ikea, which have seen better days, two mis-matched dining chairs, a queen size bed (the home office is in our 4th bedroom), and a file cabinet.

We need to update the desk situation, get more appropriate and comfortable chairs, paint, and install a ceiling fan/light. This room used to be my daughter's room before we moved her across the hall.

I will take some photos of the current set up so we can have a nice before shot, which will make the after just that much more splendid :-)


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